Stuttering Parrot Scène 2 - L'altercation avec M. Claudius (Chapitre 6)
Suite aux informations que Carlos leur a fournies, les détectives l'accompagnent dans le quartier défavorisé où il habite avec son oncle. Le jeune mexicain encore tout joyeux de son trajet dans la luxueuse voiture conduite par Worthington/Warrington tombe malheureusement sur un M. Claudius tenace et agressif. Jupiter/Hannibal et Peter viennent à la rescousse:
"As they were talking, they approached the rear of the house. In the road beyond the house they could see a car parked. It was an ordinary black sedan of popular make, but Carlos scowled.
"As they were talking, they approached the rear of the house. In the road beyond the house they could see a car parked. It was an ordinary black sedan of popular make, but Carlos scowled.
"Who calls on Uncle Ramos?" he asked. "I do not like this."
He began to hurry, and Pete and Jupiter ran after him. As they came closer to the tumble-down shack they could hear a voice raised inside - a loud, angry voice.
"That's Mr. Claudius's voice," Pete said.
"Tell me!" Mr. Claudius was shouting. "Tell me, you old idiot, or I'll wring your neck!"
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Illustration slovaque, Jozef Cesnak. |
"Uncle Ramos!" Carlos cried, breaking into a run. "What does the fat one do to you?"
Now he was ahead of them, and Pete and Jupiter ran to keep up. As Carlos burst into the house through the doorless entrance, They were at his heels. They were in time to see Mr. Claudius, his back to them, bent over a bed on which a man, undoubtedly Carlos's uncle, lay. The uncle was coughing and choking, and it looked as if the fat man was trying to throttle him.
"You have to remember!" Mr. Claudius was shouting. "Even if you can't remember where you sold the other parrots, you have to remember about Blackbeard. You still had him after you sold the rest. I have four of them now, and I'll get the rest, but I must have Blackbeard. I'm sure you know where he is!"
Carlos, bursting into the room, flung himself like a small terrier straight at the fat man's legs. Mr. Claudius heard him, however, and whirled. With one hand he seemed to grab the small Mexican boy out of mid-air. Suddenly Carlos was dangling helplessly, his feet off the ground, Mr. Claudius's hand clenching the collar of his ragged shirt.
"Stand back," Mr. Claudius said, in a quiet but ugly voice, as Pete and Jupiter hesitated, "or I'll wring this little rooster's neck. And then yours."
"Grab him!" Carlos cried, almost in tears, not from fright but from anger. "He hurt my uncle, who is sick and cannot defend himself."
"Stand quietly," Mr. Claudius warned, his eyes glinting dangerously. "You boys are becoming quite a nuisance to me."
At that moment, Carlos's ragged shirt ripped. The Mexican boy fell to the floor and immediately flung his arms around the fat man's legs. Pete and Jupiter leaped to his aid. Pete gave a flying tackle to get his arms round Mr. Claudius's waist, and Jupiter chose to try to aid Carlos in holding his legs.
But deceptive muscles lurked beneath Mr. Claudius's pudginess. He flung Carlos aside and turned so that Pete and Jupiter seemed to bounce off him and go sailing to different sides of the room. Then he was at the doorway, running out, before they could pick themselves up.
By the time they got to their feet, they saw him leap into the sedan and roar off, just as Konrad [...] parked the salvage-yard truck immediately behind him.
"If only we could have held him until Konrad got here," Pete said glommily [...]."
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Jacques Poirier, 1967. |
"Devant la maison, il y avait une voiture noire de marque ordinaire.
"Qui peut bien être venu chez oncle Ramos? demanda Carlos. Je suis très inquiet..."
Il pressa le pas; Hannibal et Peter l'imitèrent. En approchant du taudis, ils entendirent des éclats de voix.
"C'est la voix de M. Claudius! s'écria Peter.
-Vas-tu parler, vieux grigou, ou je te coupe les oreilles! tonitruait le violent personnage.
-Oncle Ramos! Ne te laisse pas faire par le gros señor!" cria Carlos en prenant le pas de course.
Un vieil homme qui toussait à s'étrangler était prostré sur un grabat. Le gros M. Claudius, tournant le dos à la porte, se penchait sur lui. Avait-il saisi le vieillard à la gorge?
"Je comprends que tu aies oublié à qui tu as vendu les autres. Mais Barbenoire! C'était le dernier! J'en ai quatre et j'aurai ceux qui me manquent, mais il me faut Barbenoire. Tu dois te rappeler, vieil imbécile, à qui tu l'as vendu. Rappelle-toi ou je te..."
Avec l'énergie d'un fox-terrier bondissant sur un rat, Carlos se précipita dans les jambes du gros homme. L'entendant venir, M. Claudius pivota sur place. D'une seule main, il cueillit le garçon et le souleva par le col de sa chemise en haillons.
"Reculez! cria M. Claudius à Hannibal et à Peter. Reculez ou je tords le cou à ce garnement, et les vôtres ensuite.
-Attaquez-le! haleta Carlos qui était au bord des larmes, non pas de crainte mais de colère. Il a fait du mal à mon oncle qui est malade et ne peut pas se défendre.
-Ne bougez pas, gamins. Je trouve que je vous ai déjà assez vus comme ça!"
Les yeux de M. Claudius avaient pris un éclat menaçant... Mais à cemoment, la chemise de Carlos se déchira. Le jeune Mexicain, tombant sur le sol, ne manqua pas d'agripper au passage les mollets du gros homme. Hannibal et Peter se précipitèrent à la rescousse. Peter essaya de ceinturer M. Claudius, tandis qu'Hannibal se jetait dans ses jambes pour aider Carlos.
Cependant, le gros homme ne manquait ni de muscles ni de souplesse. D'un seul mouvement, il se débarrassa de Carlos, et, tournant sur place pour échapper à Peter et à Hannibal, il gagna la sortie en deux enjambées. Les garçons coururent après lui mais n'eurent que le temps de le voir sauter dans sa voiture et prendre le large, tandis que Konrad garait tranquillement le camion au bord duquel il venait d'arriver.
"Si seulement nous avions pu prévenir Konrad! dit Peter d'un ton de regret."
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Harry Kane, 1964. |
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Armada, Peter Archer, 1980. |
Sources des illustrations:
Illustration slovaque: hélas, je n'ai pas retrouvé ma source.
Illustration américaine: T3I Reader's Site (The Stories).
Couverture britannique: Worthington's Library.
Illustrations françaises: Scribd (Utilisateur: Claudefermas) (éd. 1967)/Series Book Art (ed. 1977)/Exemplaire personnel (éd. 1982).
Illustration américaine: T3I Reader's Site (The Stories).
Couverture britannique: Worthington's Library.
Illustrations françaises: Scribd (Utilisateur: Claudefermas) (éd. 1967)/Series Book Art (ed. 1977)/Exemplaire personnel (éd. 1982).
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