Mrs. et Mr. Andrews/Mme. et M. Andy, les parents de Bob - 2ème Partie (Tome 2)
-Mr. & Mrs. Andrews/Andy, les parents de Bob - 1ère Partie. Dans le Chapitre 4 de The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot / Le Perroquet qui bégayait on retrouve une scène quasiment identique à celle du début de The Secret of Terror Castle / Au Rendez-vous des Revenats . Elle n'est malheureusement pas illustrée. "Bob Andrews was eating his supper, in between glances at the telephone. He had been expecting it to ring any minute, ever since he got home from the library. [...] But he was on dessert now - baked cup custard with a nice brown crust on top - and though he was scraping the last speck from the side of his dish, the phone still hadn't rung. However, his mother, slender, brown-haired and attractive, caught his glance this time and seemed to recollect something with a start. "My goodness!" Mrs. Andrews said. "I forgot. There was a message for you. Your friend Jupiter Jones called." "He did?" Bob excla...